What is Adminer Pro?
Adminer Pro is the mining process and delivers the products in high time, thus making the search process easier and saving your time and money. Our system has artificial intelligence, which provides a detailed analysis of each product. We deliver a complete evaluation to facilitate the analysis of a product on the market, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses. Our search platform pulls the products that are trending on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. And to make your experience even more completePopularThe extension does not work, it displays few or no products. What to do?
Is your extension showing too few ads? First of all, you need to understand that the extension uses your Facebook profile to mine ads that would already appear for you. However, for the extension to mine the most dropshipping ads, you need to have a well-optimized profile. Optimizing your profile is a daily job that can be done using the purchase script. For this I will leave this tutorial on how to install the script: Purchase Script - How to install? (/en/article/purchase-script-how-to-PopularHow to see product suppliers in Adminer?
In addition to helping you find the best products and the best offers, the Adminer helps you find the best suppliers for your products! Via Hot Products and Premium Library: In the product information tab, scrolling down the screen, this option will appear: There you can view both national and international suppliers.PopularMy store is not a Shopify store, how can I register products within it?
If your store is not a Shopify store, you will need to register products manually. Each store provider has its own way of carrying out this process, so always check with your store provider to find out more about this. Here are some links that may help you: Nuvemshop: How to register a product? Cartpanda: How to add products to the store? YaPopularHow do I change my plan?
There are two ways to change your plan here at Adminer: directly through the platform or through our support chat. To change your subscription directly through the platform, follow these steps: Click on the plans tab in the side tab: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4ef1e800/image1sihPopularHow to use Adminer Trends in my operation?
Adminer Trends is the perfect platform for you to carry out your market analysis. Within this platform, you will see creatives, ads, the most visited websites for each checkout, audience divided by country, age group and gender. The available traffic analysis graphs are dynamic and easy to analyze. You can obserSome readersHow to see the target audience?
You can use Adminer to check the target audience for each product. To do this, it's very simple: Open the Hot Products tab and choose one of the products displayed; Click to open this product and scroll down. At the bottom of the screen will be the target audience functionality:Some readersWhat are the Adminer platforms?
Adminer has several platforms and extensions that help you scale your operation. Admin Extractor: Link: Adminer Extractor With our free extension you can transform your Facebook into an ad library, for free! With an optimized profile, our extension will present a gallery of national and international ads. This way, you can visualize the engagement and movements of the product and thus eSome readersI can't validate the phone.
The cell phone confirmation code arrives via SMS, check that you have entered the correct number with the correct area code. If you are unable to validate your number, you can contact our support, so we can manually validate it for you!Some readersHow to activate a test in the Adminer?
If you want to subscribe to a plan here at Adminer but are in doubt about the platform, we have a free trial to help you see that Adminer is the best choice! To get this test, it's very simple: contact our support and talk to us about it. After better understanding your case, our support will apply the test to the plan you are interested in. After that, you need to activate the test: Click on the "Plans" tab: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4ef1e800/image1mc8Some readersWhat are the mining features? What are their differences?
We have 3 ways of mining within the platform: With the Extractor extension: With our free extension you can transform your Facebook into an ad library, for free! With an optimized profile, our extension will present a gallery of national and international ads. This way, you can visualize the engagement and movements of the product and thus evaluate its movement in the market. Just install the extension in your browser, activate it and start capturing the products that can be accessed thrSome readersWhat is bounce rate?
Bounce rate is a metric used in website and app analytics that indicates the percentage of visitors who enter a web page and then leave (or "bounce") without interacting with it in any way. In other words, it is the number of visits to a single page (or session) divided by the total number of visits to the website. A high bounce rate can indicate several things, such as unattractive content, usability problems, lack of relevance to the visitor, or even technical problems. However, it must beSome readersHow to add discount coupon?
If you are in doubt when implementing a discount coupon. The process is simple and we will explain it to you in detail: The first step is to create your Adminer account and select the plan you are interested in. Once this is done, you will be directed to the platform's checkout screen. On the checkout screen, before adding your card details, you can fill in a space for the coupon (it is marked in the pSome readersWhat is the digital market?
The digital market, also known as the online market or electronic market, refers to the business environment where commercial transactions take place on the internet. It encompasses a wide variety of economic activities that are conducted online, including sales of products and services, marketing, advertising, communications, entertainment and more. The digital market includes different types of online platforms and channels, such as websites, virtual stores, social networks, mobile applicatSome readersCan a creative have more than one ad?
Yes, a "creative" can actually be used to create and serve more than one ad. The term "creative" generally refers to the visual and textual content that is used in a specific advertisement. This content can be reused and adapted to create different ads based on the same concept, message or campaign. Here are some common ways a single creative can be used to create multiple ads: Format Variations: The same creative content can be adapted for different ad formats. For example, a leadSome readersHow to clear your cache?
Para limpar os Cookies e dados de navegação Google Chrome basta entrar em configurações: Selecionar "Privacidade e Segurança" em seguida "Remover dados de navegação" e remover os Cookies de todo o período. Remover dados de navegaçãoSome readersHow to disable ad blocker?
Adminer is a platform that captures advertisements, therefore, if there is any extension, antivirus or the browser itself with an adblcok or anti-spam, our Extractor platform and extension will not be able to function fully. If so, the following message will probably appear: In other cases, the screen where the products appear will be empty, black. If you have any extension of thSome readersPurchase Script - How to install?
To optimize your Facebook profile, you need to have the purchase script installed on your Chrome profile. Doing this installation is simple, just follow this step by step: By clicking the right button on the bookmarks bar, go to add page. In "Name", write purchase script and in "URL", paste the code below: javascript:(function() var code = document.getElementById("ProductJson-product-template"); ifFew readersChange Password
If you wish to change your password, you can do so directly on the website, simply select your name in the bottom left corner: This way, the option to change your password will be available: Support channels: Whatsapp: email:Few readersHow do you know if a product is saturated?
A saturated product is a product that has reached its maximum limit of market acceptance or adoption. This means that demand for the product has stabilized and there is no longer significant room for further growth. Generally, this occurs when the market has already been completely penetrated and there are no more potential customers for the product. Another example of saturation are products sold in a certain season or time of year, such as Christmas products that are only sold at the end ofFew readersCan I save a search filter?
To make searching for products even easier, we have the option to save a filter that was used in the Premium Library. To do this is very simple: Add some filters to your search: date, engagement, etc. In the image, the filters available in the Diamond plan are shown as an example After that, click on this option in the top right corner: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/eFew readersCan I integrate my Shopify store with Adminer?
If your store is on Shopify, here at Adminer you can integrate your store directly into the platform, facilitating and automating another step in your operation! Within our Dashboard, click on the "Integrate store" tab The following notification will appear: When you click on "Let's go!", you wilFew readersWhat does each icon on a Hot Product page mean?
Let's understand better about this super functionality? Then it took off! First of all, we need to understand the screens that this functionality allows to open: the main and product information pages. Main page On the main page, you have the option to filter your search by keyword, product price, number of creatives and ads. You also have options to sort by national, most creative, most ads and most recent. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4eFew readersHow to make copy?
Writing good copy for an ad is key to attracting the attention of your target audience, effectively communicating your message and encouraging the desired action. Here are some tips for creating effective copy: Know your target audience: Before you start writing, it is essential to understand who your target audience is. What are your desires, needs, pains and interests? The better you know your audience, the more effective your copy will be. Highlight the benefit: Start by highlightFew readersCan I filter ads by number of active days?
Here in the Adminer you can filter by the number of active days of an ad! Within the premium library, you will have this filter option: And there you can enter as many days as you want! After that, click on filter and you will be able to view the ads that have this selection.Few readersHow do I add products to my store?
If you use Shopify, we have an integration to import mined and premium library products. The variants, image, description and price will be imported exactly like the ad found in Adminer. Editing this product to advertise on your store must be done directly on the Shopify page. When we import the product it goes as "Draft" (draft) and is not being advertised in the store yet. This article teaches you how to do this import with your Shopify store and the Adminer: Can I integrate my ShopifyFew readersCan I upgrade my plan and only charge the difference?
Changing plans can occur at any time, when upgrading, the platform will calculate the difference to charge extra according to the amount already paid and the days of use, your cycle will remain on the same day, for example:Few readersHow to access Adminer courses?
We at Adminer always seek the best for you, our client. We want to help you go further and scale your operation. With this in mind, we offer courses and lives that help you understand and learn more about the market. Accessing this content is very simple: just have an active subscription with us and you already have this material available to you! We will see below how more ways you can access: Admin Class The Adminer Class is a tab within the platform that displays various conFew readersHow to view a product's sales page?
At Adminer we make your operation easier and provide several features that make processes much easier! One of these features is the option to view the product's sales page, thus being able to observe how the retailer who created an ad laid out their sales page and whether they added some type of interactive pop-up or conversion tool. There are two ways to observe this: through the Hot Products page or through the Premium Library. Hot Products: Click on one of the displayed products andFew readersWhat can each plan do in the Premium Library?
Premium ads are pre-mined products that will definitely boost your sales! You are not dependent on the delivery of your Facebook. The Adminer mines the products and you have access to the Premium Library with around 10 thousand daily ads on the platform and with more intelligent filters, being able to search for national and international ads, by publication date, in addition to the filters you already have and likes, comments , type of product, etc. In this article we will better understandFew readersHow to price a product in dropshipping?
Product price is one of your basic decisions as a store owner. The values you set affect almost every aspect of your dropshipping business. If, for example, you ask people to pay a lot for your product or service, they will stop buying from your store if there is a place of the same quality at a reduced price. Order too little and your profit margin drops or customers assume your product is low quality. The right price takes into account all your costs and maximizes your margins while remaininFew readersHow to analyze product graphics?
The scale chart is a feature of the Hot Products tab that will show how the trends of a given product are: whether they are increasing or decreasing. There are three types of charts available: product temperature, ad scale, and product price. *Product temperature: Ad Scale: Price of the product: (httpFew readersHow do quarterly plans work?
Here at Adminer we have 2 possible payment methods: The monthly payment, an amount that is paid per month and has a cycle duration of 30 days, and the quarterly payment. Within the quarterly payment, there are two forms of payment: the full quarterly, valid for 3 months, and the quarterly installments, which is the quarterly amount paid in divided form, in installments.Few readersThe Adminer mines which type of ad?
Within the Adminer you have access to ads mined on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. If you are a Diamond plan user, you can filter by this type of category within the premium library: In the "platform" option, platforms for filtering will be available And you can identify the ad platform through this icon: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4ef1e800/image2nbxroFew readersHow to search for products from other countries?
Within Adminer, you have access to products from different countries and in different languages! There are 3 ways to do this: Premium Library In this feature, you have the option to filter ads by the language used to advertise: There are several options that you can apply and filter. Whether for the drop shipping market or the digital product market, you can use this feature to search for ads inFew readersHow do you know if a product is scaling based on the number of ads and creatives?
The digital market is a constantly evolving environment, where products and services compete for the attention of the online public. To understand whether a product is being successful and profitable in this scenario, it is crucial to analyze several indicators. One of these indicators is the number of active creatives and ads in the Facebook ad library. The Facebook Ad Library is a valuable tool that allows users to search and view active ads across Facebook and Instagram. This library offerFew readersWhat is the CTA - Call to Action?
A CTA, “Call to Action” or “Call to Action”, is a phrase or command used to motivate people to do something specific. It's like an invitation to act. For example, it could be something like "Click here to learn more" or "Buy now." CTAs are primarily used in ads, websites, and emails to direct people to take an action, such as make a purchase, sign up for a service, or share something on social media. They are important because they help guide the public on what to do next and can increase theFew readersWhat is UGC?
UGC, or User-Generated Content, refers to any type of content — such as text, videos, images, and reviews — created by consumers or users about a brand or product, rather than by marketers or company representatives. This type of content has become a valuable tool in digital marketing due to its authenticity and ability to engage. The Importance of UGC Authenticity: User-generated content is seen as more trustworthy by consumers. It brings a genuine, personal perspective that oftenFew readersWhat is the temperature of a product?
Now you can see the Temperature of a Product within Adminer! Our product monitoring is much more accurate, you will monitor which products are starting to become popular using this new metric. It represents how a certain product is being received by the market: whether it is a hot or cold product. The higher the temperature of a product, the more engaged it is within the market. This classification maFew readersHow to mine products within Adminer?
Through the Adminer, you can mine products in several different ways! But be aware: each plan has its differences. Below we list how you can mine products within the 3 plans available on the platform: Silver In order for you to be able to mine products on this plan, your profile used to mine ads on Facebook must be optimized for this type of operation. With the Silver plan, you will mine the products through the extension Adminer Extractor (/pt/article/como-minerar-com-o-adminerFew readersHow do I request a refund?
To request a refund simply contact our support team, so they don't review your case and check if it's available!Few readersHow does the number of active days of an ad work?
Here at Adminer you can view the ads and check how many days they have been active. Furthermore, it is also possible to filter by the number of active days. To do this, it's very simple: access the premium library and enter the minimum number of days you want to filter in this option. This functionality is vFew readersHow to use Adminer in another language?
You can use the Adminer in Portuguese, English and Spanish! To choose the language, it's very simple: click on the language button in the top right corner of the screen. Choose the language you prefer and that's it, the platform's language will be translated.Few readersWhat is a landing page?
A landing page, also known as a landing page, is a web page specifically designed to receive and convert visitors into leads or customers. Typically, a landing page is created as part of a digital marketing campaign and is optimized to achieve a specific objective, such as capturing leads, promoting a product or service, or registering for an event. Landing pages are designed with a single focus and feature concise, targeted content to encourage visitors to take a desired action, such as fillFew readersI activated via the 14-day free link and the charge occurred, what now?
Chances are, if you got a 14-day trial, you came through an influencer partner with Adminer. The link that the influencer provides already guarantees registration with the test or coupon available. However, in some cases, this link may have "broken" along the way and therefore did not activate correctly. In these cases, contact our support! We will assist you in the best possible way and help you resolve this case. Our service channels are: Chat via platform; WhatsApp: +55 11 93278-37Few readersAds are not showing, what can I do?
If you open a product in Adminer and come across a black screen with no information, don't worry! We can help you resolve this. This screen occurs because the ad cannot be displayed because the device contains an ad blocker. An ad blocker is a tool that, as the name says, blocks any advertisement to make your browsing on the internet easier, this includes ads displayed by the AdmiFew readersHow do I search for ads that forward to a WhatsApp conversation?
Through Adminer, you can search for products that have a WhatsApp conversation in their conversion flow. To perform this type of search, it's very simple: just apply the CTA filter! Let's see the step-by-step process below: Within the premium library, we have several search filter options, among which there is the "button" The button option represents the CTA, Call to Action, which leads to the converFew readersHow do I integrate with suppliers?
When importing a product, you will send the variants, image, description and price exactly the same as the ad found in Adminer. The product is a draft and is not being advertised in the store yet, so it is necessary to edit and adjust the value to make it active in your store. In addition to visual edits, you need to connect your supplier directly through your order processor. It is important to note that the supplier is not connected together with the Adminer import. Here is the link to aFew readersWhat is typebot and how to apply it in my operation?
Typebot is a chat automation platform that allows you to create and deploy conversational bots across websites, apps, and messaging platforms. These bots are designed to interact with users, answer common questions, collect information, and provide customer support in an automated way. Typebot is often used by companies to improve customer service efficiency and provide a more interactive and personalized user experience. Typebot can be a powerful tool for boosting sales strategies in many waysFew readersKeyword Research Tips
Here are some tips to keep in mind while searching for keywords: Understand your target audience: Before you start researching keywords, it's important to understand who your target audience is and what their interests, needs, and questions are. This will help target your keyword choices to meet the demands of your audience. Create an initial list of topics: Think about general topics related to your business, niche, or area of interest. These topics will serve as the basis fFew readersWhat can each plan do in the Hot Products tab?
We offer different plans to meet your needs, with specific features in each of them. Let's see what you can do with each one in our Hot Products tab? For Diamond users, there are no restrictions. They have full access to our service and can view the entire process normally. Gold users have some limitations, such as the limit of 10,000 products viewed, the lack of information on the number of sales for the day and the impossibility of viewing related ads within the product detaFew readersHow to use hot product categories?
Within the Hot Products search, we have included some categories to help you locate the product to scale your sales. These categories help you see your products by niche, thus making the search more dynamic. Just click on one of them and that's it! Products from that niche will already be displayed.Few readersHow do I search by niche?
To search for niches you can direct your search with keywords, you can use this feature in all of our mining libraries! Premium Library Mined Library Hot ProductsFew readersHow to join the Adminer community?
A comunidade do Adminer é o lugar perfeito para você que quer aprender mais e aumentar seu networking. Nós temos fóruns, cursos e salas de bate-papo que te ajudam a trocar experiências. Para acessar, é muito simples: Clique aqui para se cadastrar!Few readersWhat are ads?
Online advertisements are promotional messages published on the Internet with the aim of reaching a specific audience and promoting products, services, brands or messages. They are a fundamental part of digital marketing and can be displayed in a variety of formats and channels across the web. Here are some of the most common forms of online advertising: Display Ads: These are graphic ads, usually in image or banner format, displayed on websites, blogs and applications. They can includFew readersMining Typebot ads
Here at Adminer we have very interesting options for those interested in mining Typebot ads. The first option to mine ads of this type is within Adminer Pro, in the Premium Library functionality: In the technology option, scroll down the selector filter until "typebot" appears and select this categoryFew readersPremium/Hot preview release
All plans have viewing limits in the Premium library. When your plan reaches the limit, you can speak to support on Chat or WhatsApp and we will check if the release is available in your subscription!Few readersWhat are the Top Products of the Week?
In our Dashboard tab, we have a tab focused on the products that moved the most during the week: In this tab, you will see the main products and can now analyze some product movement data as well. It was designed to always keep you as up to date as possible within the market!Few readersWhat are impressions in an ad?
In digital marketing, "impressions" refer to the number of times an ad is displayed on a web page or social media platform. An impression occurs every time your ad is loaded on a page, regardless of whether the user interacts with it or not. Therefore, each ad view is counted as an impression, even if there isn't necessarily a click or other form of engagement. Impressions are an important metric for marketers to understand the potential reach of their ads and evaluate the performance of oFew readersHow to use the Hot Products categories to search for products?
Hot product categories are very useful in helping you find interesting products in a certain niche. To analyze them, go to the hot products tab and click on "Choose categories or keywords" and that's it! They will now appear to you. After that, just choose the niche you want to research and find the products that are hot at the moment!Few readersWhat are creatives?
Ad creatives refer to the visual and textual elements and content that make up the marketing message in an advertisement. They are designed to attract the attention of the target audience, communicate a clear and persuasive message and ultimately motivate the desired action, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a service or otherwise engaging with the brand. Here are some of the common components of an ad creative: Title: The title is often the first thing people notice about aFew readersHow to filter by ad impressions?
Here at Adminer we have the option to filter ads by the number of impressions they have. This data is very important because we can have a basis on how the ad is performing and how it interacts with the public. To do this filtering, it is very simple: Go to the "Premium Library" tab Go to the "Sort by" option (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4ef1e800/imagezFew readersHow do I create a good creative for my ad?
To create good content for your ad, you can follow some basic steps and principles: Understand your target audience: Before starting any advertisement, it is essential to understand who you are creating for. Know your interests, needs, desires and pains. This will help direct your creativity in the right direction. Define your objective: What do you hope to achieve with your content? Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, engaging your audience, generating leads, or somethiFew readersHow to add to Mat/Favorites
To save your ads and products, it is important to add them to favorites and to the conveyor belt. This way you can organize your operation and not waste views to see it again. To add your ads to these features, simply open the details: After opening the details, just scroll down the browser page and you can access these two options: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e5774Few readersWhat are keywords and how to search for them optimally?
Keywords are specific terms or phrases that summarize the content or main theme of a text, document, web page, video, or any type of content, including advertisements. They are mainly used in research, indexing and search engine optimization (SEO) contexts, but are also relevant in organizing information, categorizing and indexing libraries and databases. The importance of keywords lies in the fact that they help people find the relevant content they are looking for in the vastness of the intFew readersHow do I submit a suggestion for improvement?
Our team is always available to listen to your suggestions for improvement, as we believe that this is how we can evolve more every day. To do this, you can send your comment directly to our development team. To do this, click on the icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen: Here you can eitFew readersDoes the Adminer show national (Brazilian) suppliers?
The Adminer has the option to view only national suppliers too! To do this, it's very simple: Access the Adminer and open a product page, whether in the premium library or in the hot products tab; On the product information page, scroll down and the suppliers option will appear: By clicking on the "From Brazil" option, you will be able to see all Brazilian suppliers of that product.Few readersCan I order the ads?
Para tornar ainda mais fácil a sua busca por produtos, você pode aplicar na biblioteca premium um filtro de ordenação de anúncios. Os filtros disponíveis nesse modalidade, tanto para o plano Gold quanto para o Diamond, são: Mais recentes Mais curtidas Mais comentários Mais compartilhamentos Exclusivo para usuários do plano Diamond: Mais impressões. (https://storage.crisp.chat/usFew readersHow do I stay up to date with things happening within Adminer?
We are always releasing news and new content. We always notify you, our customer, through our social networks, emails and notifications here on the platform. By clicking on the bell in the top right corner of the screen, you have access to our notification center: Here you can access the latest notificationsFew readersHow do search filters work?
With Adminer, you have access to several features to find the ideal product and offer for your operation! And to make this search much more optimized, you can apply filters to find the product you want! Filters available in the Premium Library Within the Premium Library, you can search for ads from different segments. To search within it, you can use the search option by keyword, page ID, URL and checkout URL. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e577458e4ef1e800/Few readersHow do I add products to my Shopify store through the Adminer integration?
If your store is on Shopify, we have direct integration with them, which makes the process of adding new products much easier! Adding products is very simple: after completing the integration, open a product page in Adminer and look for this button: The following banner will appear: This shows that the product is iFew readersI Chose a Product to Sell: Now What?
Congratulations! You've taken the first step toward success in dropshipping: choosing a product to sell. But the work doesn't stop there. After selecting your product, you need to structure the next steps to ensure it reaches your customers efficiently and professionally. Let’s explore what comes next. 1. Choose the Right Supplier The next step is selecting a reliable supplier for your product. Suppliers play a crucial role in dropshipping, as they are responsible for manufacturing, packagFew readers