Articles on: FAQ

Where can I learn more about the platform?

It is common at the beginning of the operation to get a little lost, but to help you we have provided some materials to make your life easier and enable you to acquire knowledge about the market.

In the "First Steps" tab, we'll teach you how to use the features available in your plan, that way you'll make the most of our platform as possible.

While the first steps will help you better understand what are the pillars of our platform and the functions available in your plan, in the “Class” tab you have access to complete mentorships and content with our specialists. That way you can not only delve into the operations you can do within our platform, but also update yourself and learn market strategies as a whole!

To improve and completely clear your doubts, we have a knowledge base with several articles about our functionalities, detailing and showing how to complete the processes within our functionalities, in this base we have articles divided according to their operation, whether for Dropshipping or PLR / info you can access and absorb the knowledge needed to improve your operation.

Updated on: 09/08/2023

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