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What is the temperature of a product?

Now you can see the Temperature of a Product within Adminer! Our product monitoring is much more accurate, you will monitor which products are starting to become popular using this new metric. It represents how a certain product is being received by the market: whether it is a hot or cold product. The higher the temperature of a product, the more engaged it is within the market.

This classification may vary in a short period of time. A highly rated product today may not maintain the same level of success a week from now, it is a concept that varies according to market changes.

On the other hand, a lower temperature does not necessarily mean that a product is not performing well or that it does not have potential. It may simply indicate that, at that moment, it is in a less busy period.

Temperature is a ruler from 0 to 150 degrees, where the ceiling indicates the greatest possibility of selling a product.

If you have questions or need more information on this topic, we recommend contacting our support directly. We are available to assist!

Updated on: 14/06/2024

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