Articles on: Infoproduct

What is a contingency?

A contingency system in Digital Marketing is a way to ensure that your marketing campaigns continue to work even if something unexpected happens.

Imagine that you are running an internet ad campaign. If your ad account suddenly stops working, your money and effort could go down the drain.

To avoid this, you can create a contingency plan. This means having a backup, or workaround, ready to go if something goes wrong. So even if your primary ad account becomes unavailable, your campaign can still continue to run elsewhere, ensuring your money and effort isn't wasted.

It's like having a second option if the first one doesn't work. This way, you can be confident that your marketing campaign will be seen by the public no matter what.

It is worth remembering that contingencies can be made in several ways and it all depends on the product/niche you are advertising.

Updated on: 28/08/2023

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