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What does each icon on a Hot Product page mean?

Let's understand better about this super functionality? Then it took off!

First of all, we need to understand the screens that this functionality allows to open: the main and product information pages.
Main page
On the main page, you have the option to filter your search by keyword, product price, number of creatives and ads. You also have options to sort by national, most creative, most ads and most recent.

Just below this information, we have the results of your search:

Want to learn more about how to search by keyword? Take a look at this article: What are keywords and how to search for them optimally?

Did you find an interesting product and want to know more about it? Click it to open the product information page!
Product information page

On this page we will be able to analyze information about the product itself in more depth. We were able to analyze a preview of the product's creative (photo and name), the price it is being sold for and when it was published. We will also analyze very important information about the scale of this product within the sales analysis:

Peak traffic;
Number of creatives currently running;
Number of ads running at the moment;

The block where it says "Updated ago" means how long ago it was the last time the Adminer algorithm updated the information being displayed.

You also have the option of analyzing the sales page for that product, adding it to your store through our integration with Shopify, placing it on your test mat or in your favorites tab. The "Sell Product" button will take you to ads for that product and also to find interesting copy and suppliers. When you click on "Analyze Traffic", you will be redirected to the Adminer Trends platform.

Do you think the product might be a fraud? We have help for this too: the "Report Product" button, to find out more about it, take a look at this article: Sara IA - monitoring possible fraud

We were also able to analyze a graph of the progression of traffic for this product, obtaining the relationship between creatives and ads within a certain period of time:

Finally, at the end of the page we have options that help you create an offer:

Product ads: displays ads for that product within a given store;

Related ads: displays ads related to the product, which may be within different stores or similar products:

Product suppliers: displays possible suppliers of the product, both national and international.

It is worth mentioning that we only display the suppliers there, the final choice and analysis of which one will go to your store still needs to be made.

Generate copy: displays possible copies for this product, different from the original, and using a bank of words with triggers for purchases.

Updated on: 12/03/2024

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