Articles on: Infoproduct

What are low ticket products?

In the infoproducts market, the term "low ticket" refers to digital products that are sold at a low price, usually between R$50 and R$200. These products are often used as an introduction for new customers, with the aim of attracting a wider audience due to their affordable cost.

Characteristics of Low Ticket Infoproducts:

Affordable Price: The lower price is the main characteristic, allowing more people to buy without much financial commitment.

Concise Content: Typically, these are courses, e-books, webinars or digital tools that provide specific and straight-to-the-point content.

Easy to Scale: Due to their affordable price, they can be easily scalable, attracting a large number of customers.

Gateway: They serve as an entry strategy to capture leads, who can be converted into buyers of higher-value (high-ticket) products later.

Lower Risk: For the customer, the lower initial investment means less risk. For the seller, it is a way to test new products or ideas in the market.

Simplified Buying Process: The purchase decision cycle tends to be faster, since the investment value is lower.

Examples of Low Ticket Infoproducts:

- E-books: Digital books that provide in-depth information on a specific topic.
- Online Mini-Courses: Short courses that cover a specific topic or skill.
- Webinars: Live or recorded online training sessions.
- Digital Tools and Templates: Templates, spreadsheets, or basic software that helps with specific tasks.

Sales Strategies:

- Inbound Offers: Often used as initial offers in sales funnels to attract and convert leads. - Bonuses and Upsells: These can include bonuses or add-ons to add value and encourage the purchase of more expensive products in the future.
- Promotions and Discounts: These are often promoted with discounts or temporary offers to create a sense of urgency.

Advantages of the Low Ticket Model:

- Increased Sales Volume: More accessible to a larger number of customers.
- Expanding the Customer Base: Helps build a customer list for future marketing campaigns.
- Ease of Market Testing: Good for testing new concepts or market niches without large investments.

Updated on: 02/08/2024

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