Articles on: FAQ

Purchase Script - How to install?

To optimize your Facebook profile, you need to have the purchase script installed on your Chrome profile.
Doing this installation is simple, just follow this step by step:

By clicking the right button on the bookmarks bar, go to add page.

In "Name", write purchase script and in "URL", paste the code below:

javascript:(function(){ var code = document.getElementById("ProductJson-product-template"); if(code == undefined){ content_id = meta["product"]["id"]; } else { var content_id = JSON.parse(codigo.text)["id"].toString(); } fbq('track', 'Purchase', { content_type: 'product_group', content_ids: '[' + content_id + ']' , value : 99.00, num_items: 1, currency: 'USD', }); console.log("The PUR pixel was successfully activated for content ID: " + content_id); })();

Click "Save" and the script will already be installed in your browser.

Whenever you enter a Shopify store, just click on the script that will activate the purchase!

Updated on: 09/08/2023

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