Articles on: Dropshipping

How to price products?

Pricing your products appropriately is a delicate balance between covering all the costs associated with your operation and ensuring a healthy profit margin while keeping your offering attractive to consumers.

To calculate this ideal price, it is necessary to consider the concept of "markup", which represents the difference between the selling price and the cost price of a product or merchandise. The formula for determining the markup is to add the cost of the supplier's product, the IOF costs, the costs associated with the platform used (for example, Shopify), the payment gateway costs and multiply this value by a factor, generally recommended as 2.5.

However, market analysis also plays a key role in this process. Setting a price that is too high can drive consumers away in search of more affordable options, while a price that is too low can raise suspicions about the quality of the product. Therefore, it is essential to carry out market research to define competitive and fair prices.

To make this process clearer and more organized, our team provides a pricing spreadsheet that will help you organize and calculate all your costs, ensuring that your products are priced strategically and attractively for your customers.

Pricing spreadsheet - Adminer

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Updated on: 12/09/2023

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