Articles on: Dropshipping

How to install the Adminer Extractor extension

Important information before continuing

The mined ad library works through ads extracted from the user's Facebook through the extension. For quality ads to be captured correctly, you must follow our Usage Script before starting the process:

Usage Script:

- Use an old Facebook account;

- Have more than 500 friends;

- Nothing related to marketing;

- Remove other related extensions;

- Disable ad blocker (Adblock);

- Comment and like any ad that appears, so that the Facebook algorithm understands that you are a potential buyer and thus delivers more ads to you. We have this video about profile optimization in more detail.


Just click here and use the extension in your browser.

After installation, pin the extension to your favorites bar by clicking the puzzle and then the blue pin.

Support channels: Whatsapp: +55 11 93278-3790 | email: | chat via platform. 🚀

Updated on: 12/06/2024

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