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How do you know if a product is saturated?

A saturated product is a product that has reached its maximum limit of market acceptance or adoption. This means that demand for the product has stabilized and there is no longer significant room for further growth. Generally, this occurs when the market has already been completely penetrated and there are no more potential customers for the product.

Another example of saturation are products sold in a certain season or time of year, such as Christmas products that are only sold at the end of the year. As soon as they pass, the products begin to have very low and even non-existent demand.

Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on market fluctuations and we at Adminer have a feature to help you: the product scale chart!

The scale graph will show how the trends of a given product are: whether they are increasing or decreasing.

We always analyze the graph from left to right, and the further to the right we are, the more recent it will be. So if a product starts out on top and drops, we know its engagement has dropped and is starting to saturate.

Updated on: 14/03/2024

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