Articles on: FAQ

How do I add products to my store?

If you use Shopify, we have an integration to import mined and premium library products. The variants, image, description and price will be imported exactly like the ad found in Adminer. Editing this product to advertise on your store must be done directly on the Shopify page. When we import the product it goes as "Draft" (draft) and is not being advertised in the store yet.

This article teaches you how to do this import with your Shopify store and the Adminer:

Can I integrate my Shopify store into Adminer?

The supplier is not included in this import, it needs to be connected separately. This article can help you understand this better: When do I integrate with suppliers?

To add a product to your store, open that product's page within the Adminer and click this button:

And ready! The product will be added to your store.

If you don't use Shopify, you need to do this manually. Each store provider has its own way of adding, so always find out how to do this directly with the responsible technology. Generally, they have some support channel or knowledge base where you can search for this content.

Updated on: 14/06/2024

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